Music is one medium of art expression,
music reflects the cultural community supporters. In the music contained values
and norms that are part of the process of enculturation culture, both in the
form of formal or informal. The music itself has a distinctive shape, both from
a structural and type in to culture.
Pop music type of music that is readily accepted by the public. Types of pop music also has a lot of fans. Here are some examples of that type of pop musicians: Justin Bieber, Ungu Band, and many others.
Rock type of music is music that is often referred to as the flow of the music loud. Here are some examples of the type of rock musician: Linkin Park, Muse and many others.
Jazz-type music is music that has a lot of improvised music basically. Here are some examples of that type of jazz musicians: Andien, Abdul and The Coffee Theory and many others.
Blues music is a vocal and instrumental musical genres originating from the United States. Here are some examples of the type blues musician John Mayall, Jimy Hendrix and many others.
Dangdut music is music that developed in Indonesia that is often referred to as the native Indonesian music. Here are some examples of the type dangdut musicians: Rhoma Irama, Iis Dahlia and many others.
The kind of music that exist in this world very much especially with perkembagan times and technological advances are making innovations in this type of music. With so was the scene of creativity for the musicians to explore the kinds of music. By sharing the type of music that exist in this world bring good influence to her listeners that can make her penderngar be calm, relaxed and with the presence of music can be used as a medical therapy device. It turned out that kind of music is very diverse and we can know more about the types of music that exist in this world to be learned.
in fact it is the function of music for our daily lives?
we both wrote yukkkk read .....
Merriam in his book The Anthropology Of Music stated there are 10 functions of music. What-what are the ten functions of music is it? I will try to explain below.
1. Function of emotional disclosure
Here music serves as a medium for people to express feelings or emotions. In other words, the player can express feelings or emotions through music.
2. Function of aesthetic appreciation
Music is a work of art. A work of art can be said if he had the element of beauty or aesthetic in it. Through music we can feel good values beauty over melodic atupun dynamics.
3. Entertainment functions
Music has entertainment functions refers to the notion that a music certainly contains elements that are entertaining. This can be judged from the melody or the lyrics.
4. Communication functions.
Music has a communication function means that a prevailing musical culture in an area containing separate cues that are only known by the people supporting the culture. It can be seen from the text or the music melody.
5. Symbolic function
Music has the function symbolize something. It can be seen from the aspects of the music, the tempo of a musical misalmya. If the tempo of a slow music, then most of the text tells the sad things. So that the music would symbolize sadness.
6. Physical reaction function
If music is playing, the music can stimulate human nerve cells, causing our bodies moving to the rhythm of the music. If the music is fast then we move quickly, and vice versa.
7. Functions related to social norms
Music serves as a medium of instruction will be the norms or rules. Submission mostly through song texts that contain rules.
8. Functions of social institutions endorsement.
Music function here means that the music has a very important role in the ceremony. music is one of the important elements and become part of the ceremony, not just as an accompaniment.
9. Function of cultural continuity.
This function is similar to the functions related to social norms. Dakam music it contains the teachings of continuing a system in culture to the next generation.
10. Community integration function
Music has a function in community integration. A music if played together then unwittingly music which creates a feeling of togetherness among the players or the music lovers.
here's some knowledge of music that i summarized from several sources.
hopefully can help YHH.
Pop music type of music that is readily accepted by the public. Types of pop music also has a lot of fans. Here are some examples of that type of pop musicians: Justin Bieber, Ungu Band, and many others.
Rock type of music is music that is often referred to as the flow of the music loud. Here are some examples of the type of rock musician: Linkin Park, Muse and many others.
Jazz-type music is music that has a lot of improvised music basically. Here are some examples of that type of jazz musicians: Andien, Abdul and The Coffee Theory and many others.
Blues music is a vocal and instrumental musical genres originating from the United States. Here are some examples of the type blues musician John Mayall, Jimy Hendrix and many others.
Dangdut music is music that developed in Indonesia that is often referred to as the native Indonesian music. Here are some examples of the type dangdut musicians: Rhoma Irama, Iis Dahlia and many others.
The kind of music that exist in this world very much especially with perkembagan times and technological advances are making innovations in this type of music. With so was the scene of creativity for the musicians to explore the kinds of music. By sharing the type of music that exist in this world bring good influence to her listeners that can make her penderngar be calm, relaxed and with the presence of music can be used as a medical therapy device. It turned out that kind of music is very diverse and we can know more about the types of music that exist in this world to be learned.
in fact it is the function of music for our daily lives?
we both wrote yukkkk read .....
Merriam in his book The Anthropology Of Music stated there are 10 functions of music. What-what are the ten functions of music is it? I will try to explain below.
1. Function of emotional disclosure
Here music serves as a medium for people to express feelings or emotions. In other words, the player can express feelings or emotions through music.
2. Function of aesthetic appreciation
Music is a work of art. A work of art can be said if he had the element of beauty or aesthetic in it. Through music we can feel good values beauty over melodic atupun dynamics.
3. Entertainment functions
Music has entertainment functions refers to the notion that a music certainly contains elements that are entertaining. This can be judged from the melody or the lyrics.
4. Communication functions.
Music has a communication function means that a prevailing musical culture in an area containing separate cues that are only known by the people supporting the culture. It can be seen from the text or the music melody.
5. Symbolic function
Music has the function symbolize something. It can be seen from the aspects of the music, the tempo of a musical misalmya. If the tempo of a slow music, then most of the text tells the sad things. So that the music would symbolize sadness.
6. Physical reaction function
If music is playing, the music can stimulate human nerve cells, causing our bodies moving to the rhythm of the music. If the music is fast then we move quickly, and vice versa.
7. Functions related to social norms
Music serves as a medium of instruction will be the norms or rules. Submission mostly through song texts that contain rules.
8. Functions of social institutions endorsement.
Music function here means that the music has a very important role in the ceremony. music is one of the important elements and become part of the ceremony, not just as an accompaniment.
9. Function of cultural continuity.
This function is similar to the functions related to social norms. Dakam music it contains the teachings of continuing a system in culture to the next generation.
10. Community integration function
Music has a function in community integration. A music if played together then unwittingly music which creates a feeling of togetherness among the players or the music lovers.
here's some knowledge of music that i summarized from several sources.
hopefully can help YHH.
Musik adalah salah satu media ungkapan kesenian, musik
mencerminkan kebudayaan masyarakat pendukungnya. Di dalam musik terkandung
nilai dan norma-norma yang menjadi bagian dari proses enkulturasi budaya, baik
dalam bentuk formal maupun informal. Musik itu sendiri memiliki bentuk yang
khas, baik dari sudut struktual maupun jenisnya dalam kebudaya.
Musik berjenis pop adalah jenis musik yang mudah diterima
oleh masyarakat. Jenis musik pop juga memiliki penggemar yang banyak. Berikut
ini beberapa contoh dari pemusik yang berjenis pop : Justin Bieber, Ungu Band,
dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Musik berjenis rock adalah musik yang sering disebut dengan
musik aliran keras. Berikut ini beberapa contoh dari pemusik yang berjenis rock
: Linkin Park, Muse dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Musik berjenis jazz adalah musik yang memiliki banyak
improvisasi dari musik dasarnya. Berikut ini beberapa contoh dari pemusik yang
berjenis jazz : Andien, Abdul and The Coffee Theory dan masih banyak yang
Musik blues adalah aliran musik vokal dan instrumental yang
berasal dari amerika serikat. Berikut ini beberapa contoh dari pemusik yang
berjenis blues : John Mayall, Jimy Hendrix dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Musik dangdut adalah musik yang berkembang di indonesia
sehingga sering disebut sebagai musik asli indonesia. Berikut ini beberapa
contoh dari pemusik yang berjenis dangdut : Rhoma Irama, Iis Dahlia dan masih
banyak yang lainnya.
Jenis musik yang ada di dunia ini sangat banyak terlebih
dengan perkembagan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi membuat terdapat inovasi-inovasi
dalam jenis musik. Dengan begitu ini menjadi ajang kreativitas bagi para
pemusik untuk mengeksplore jenis-jenis musik tersebut. Dengan berbagi jenis
musik yang ada di dunia ini membawa pengaruh yang baik bagi pendengar nya yakni
dapat membuat penderngar nya menjadi tenang, rileks dan dengan keberadaan musik
dapat dijadikan sebagi alat terapi kesehatan. Ternyata jenis musik itu sangat
beragam dan kita bisa lebih mengetahui jenis-jenis musik yang ada di dunia ini
untuk di pelajari.
sebenarnya apakah fungsi musik itu buat kehidupan
sehari-hari kita?
kita sama-sama baca aja yukkkk…..
Merriam dalam bukunya The Anthropology Of Music menyatakan
ada 10 fungsi dari musik. Apa-apa sajakah kesepuluh fungsi musik itu ? berikut
akan coba saya jelaskan.
1. Fungsi pengungkapan emosional
Disini musik berfungsi sebagai suatu media bagi seseorang
untuk mengungkapkan perasaan atau emosinya. Dengan kata lain si pemain dapat
mengungkapkan perasaan atau emosinya melalui musik.
2. Fungsi penghayatan estetis
Musik merupakan suatu karya seni. Suatu karya dapat
dikatakan karya seni apabila dia memiliki unsur keindahan atau estetika di
dalamnya. Melalui musik kita dapat merasakan nilai-nilai keindahan baik melalui
melodi atupun dinamikanya.
3. Fungsi hiburan
Musik memiliki fungsi hiburan mengacu kepada pengertian
bahwa sebuah musik pasti mengandung unsur-unsur yang bersifat menghibur. Hal
ini dapat dinilai dari Melodi ataupun liriknya.
4. Fungsi komunikasi.
Musik memiliki fungsi komunikasi berarti bahwa sebuah musik
yang berlaku di suatu daerah kebudayaan mengandung isyarat-isyarat tersendiri
yang hanya diketahui oleh masyarakat pendukung kebudayaan tersebut. Hal ini
dapat dilihat dari teks atau pun melodi musik tersebut.
5. Fungsi perlambangan
Musik memiliki fungsi dalam melambangkan suatu hal. Hal ini
dapat dilihat dari aspek-aspek musik tersebut, misalmya tempo sebuah musik.
Jika tempo sebuah musik lambat, maka kebanyakan teksnya menceritakan hal-hal
yang menyedihkan. Sehingga musik itu melambangkan akan kesedihan.
6. Fungsi reaksi jasmani
Jika sebuah musik dimainkan, musik itu dapat merangsang
sel-sel saraf manusia sehingga menyebabkan tubuh kita bergerak mengikuti irama
musik tersebut. Jika musiknya cepat maka gerakan kita cepat, demikian juga
7. Fungsi yang berkaitan dengan norma sosial
Musik berfungsi sebagai media pengajaran akan norma-norma
atau peraturan-peraturan. Penyampaian kebanyakan melalui teks-teks nyanyian
yang berisi aturan-aturan.
8. Fungsi pengesahan lembaga sosial.
Fungsi musik disini berarti bahwa sebuah musik memiliki
peranan yang sangat penting dalam suatu upacara . musik merupakan salah satu
unsur yang penting dan menjadi bagian dalam upacara, bukan hanya sebagai
9. Fungsi kesinambungan budaya.
Fungsi ini hampir sama dengan fungsi yang berkaitan dengan
norma sosial. Dakam hal ini musik berisi tentang ajaran-ajaran untuk meneruskan
sebuah sistem dalam kebudayaan terhadap generasi selanjutnya.
10. Fungsi pengintegrasian Masyarakat
Musik memiliki fungsi dalam pengintegrasian masyarakat.
Suatu musik jika dimainkan secara bersama-sama maka tanpa disadari musik
tersebut menimbulkan rasa kebersamaan diantara pemain atau penikmat musik itu.
inilah beberapa pengetahuan tentang musik yang gw rangkum
dari beberapa sumber.
semoga dapat membantu yhh.
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